Your cricket club could benefit from the right Sport England funding.
Sport England funds hundreds of projects in grassroots sports every year, of which your club project could be one. The following programmes could help to greatly improve your club’s facilities.
Community Asset Fund
Whether it’s the park you run through, the hall you do classes in or the cricket pitch you play on, welcoming and accessible spaces have a big impact on a person’s experience – and likelihood of coming back. Traditional sports facilities where people spend time getting active are an important part of this, but it can be much wider too. It doesn’t have to be a traditional space – or a traditional sport or form of the game. Sport England’s Community Asset Fund is a programme dedicated to enhancing the spaces in your local community that give people the opportunity to be active.
Sport England use National Lottery funding to make awards from £300 to £10,000 to not-for-profit organisations to help more people get active. Sport England want everyone in the country, regardless of age, background or level of ability, to feel able to get involved in sport and physical activity. Their Small Grants programme aims to support this by offering funding to projects involving adults and young people aged 14 or over, which meet one or more of the aims of their ‘Towards an Active Nation’ strategy.