

Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. Everyone involved in cricket, from All Stars to the England teams, should understand the importance of keeping people safe within our game. We are  committed to ensuring a safe environment for everybody. 

Safeguarding Lead: Sara Niblock, Director, Anti-Discrimination Unit & Safeguarding  

Contact: / 020 7432 1200 


How to Share a Concern

There are a number of ways to report a concern to the Cricket Regulator. Click here to read more.


Safeguarding in Cricket

The Cricket Regulator Safeguarding Team provides a reactive and proactive element to Safeguarding. The Case Management Team manage referrals and investigations when a safeguarding concern has been raised. They will assess people who may pose a risk of harm and put safeguards in place. The Proactive Team is dedicated to putting preventative measures into action and providing guidance and support to clubs, counties and other cricket organisations. This can be through policy, education and the sharing of good practice to support the national network.

County Safeguarding Officers are appointed by each County Cricket Board in order to provide advice and assistance on safeguarding for clubs, leagues and other affiliated organisations within each county. All Club Safeguarding Officers have access to this support and the County Safeguarding Officer actively supports clubs in creating a fun and safe environment for everyone to enjoy the game.

Club Safeguarding Officers - Whilst everyone is responsible for safeguarding, the Club Safeguarding Officer will make sure the appropriate policies and procedures are in place, and that everyone in regulated activity at their club, is vetted by the ECB/Cricket Regulator. They are the go-to person that others come to if they have concerns, and having attended specific training, will know what to do in order to assist, or who to ask for further help.